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Scholarships and Bursaries
Year 13 students who have applied to University will submit a student finance application in the spring before they enrol at University. Applications usually open in March – check for updates here: https://www.gov.uk/student-finance.
Student Finance – useful website links
Student Finance – Parent/Carer Talk – 08.02.2023
Students at Kimberley College are also able to apply for one of the scholarships/bursaries detailed below to support them in their next steps. Applications for the 2023 application cycle are now open.
A presentation outlining both opportunities, as well as more general information on scholarships and bursaries can be viewed here: Scholarships and Bursaries
The Connolly Foundation Awards
Wootton Academy Trust have been a partner institution with the Connolly Foundation since March 2020, enabling students applying to university to apply for the foundation’s Academic Excellence Award - a bursary of up to £1,000 per year to support their progress through university. This Academic Excellence Award is available to applicants studying certain core academic subjects. Successful applicants will need to achieve A level passes at grade A*, A and B, in a combination of two of these subjects, plus one other subject at A level. BTEC Sport is the only BTEC which is eligible for consideration at Kimberley College, students must achieve D or D*.
The foundation’s Discretionary Award scheme enables each partner institution to nominate six students from those who apply from that institution. The eligibility criteria for the discretionary award scheme are different, in so far as there are no requirements on subjects studied or on grades achieved in the qualifications and students do not need to be going into higher education. The Discretionary Award is worth up to £500 per year. Successful applicants not attending University will receive one payment only. Students going onto University can apply for further awards in years 2 and 3 of their degree course.
Mrs Ashby, Head of Careers is our Connolly Foundation Coordinator and can be contacted on yashby@wootton.beds.sch.uk with any questions relating to these awards.
Full information on the 2022 application cycle can be found below. All first draft applications must be submitted to Mrs Ashby by Friday 24th March 2023 for feedback. All full and final applications must be submitted to Mrs Ashby by Monday 17th April 2023.
Main Award
Discretionary Award
Further information on the Connolly Foundation itself can be found on their website at: www.connollyfoundation.org.uk/student-awards
The Harper Trust University Bursary
Are you hoping to go to University but concerned about the cost?
Will you be aged 19 or under on 31st August in the year in which you apply?
Are you from a low-income family?
Are you looking to study a full time undergraduate or foundation degree course starting in Autumn 2023
Have you been resident in Bedford Borough for at least 2 years
If you can answer yes to all of the above then you may be eligible to apply for a Harpur Trust University Bursary worth £3,600.
Full information on the 2023 application cycle can be found here: Harper Trust Undergraduate Bursary Programme
Further information on the Harper Trust Bursary can be found on their website at: https://www.harpurtrust.org.uk/university-bursaries
Mrs Ashby, Head of Careers must be informed of your intention to apply for this bursary and can be contacted on yashby@wootton.beds.sch.uk with any questions relating to this.