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Kimberley College Careers Fair
On Thursday 26th January 2023, we hosted our prestigious Careers and Higher Education Fair at Kimberley Sixth Form College.

Talk Presentations
This year included:
National and local employers who offer apprenticeship schemes both after Year 11 and Year 13. Visitors had the opportunity to ask questions and gain information and advice that may not be available on their websites. These include companies such as Lockhead Martin, TUI, Woburn Estates, Bedfordshire NHS Trust, Ernst & Young, Bedfordshire Police, Drug Development Solution and many more.
Representatives of job sectors such as finance, engineering, public services, healthcare, and hospitality and tourism.
A wide range of Higher Education providers including University of Northampton, Nottingham Trent University, University of Bristol, London School of Economics, University of Bedfordshire, University of Leicester, Cranfield University, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and many more.
Met apprenticeship providers including Bedford College apprenticeships team and SSG Services. Talked to current apprentices who were here representing their employers. Learn about how they obtained their apprenticeship and what it is really like.
Attend presentations to help you to plan your next steps post-16 and post-18. The ‘Introduction to University’ took place from 6:00pm – 6:40pm, ‘Applying to Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary courses’ from 6:40pm – 7:20pm, and finally the ‘Introduction to Apprenticeships’ talk from 7.20pm–8:00pm. Student finance talks were also available at 6:15pm and 7pm.
Exhibitors For The Event Included ...
Please see below for our confirmed exhibitors for the 2023 careers fair!
Or click here to see the full list.
