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Opportunities For Students
Part time job opportunities
If you are searching for a part time job we would recommend that you register to receive the Bedford Borough Jobs Hub Vacancy E-Bulletin by emailing thejobshub@bedford.gov.uk.
Whilst a student is of compulsory school age (students in Years 9 – 11) there are restrictions as to the type of part time work they can do, and the number of hours that are permitted. Therefore, to be employed in any kind of work, they must have a work permit. A child’s parent or carer and the prospective employer are both responsible for making sure that an application form is completed. This can be obtained here: http://www.bedford.gov.uk/education_and_learning/education_welfare_service/child_employment.aspx
Volunteering opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering you can search for opportunities here: https://www.voluntaryworks.org/volunteering. Any opportunities sent to the school directly will also be advertised here.
Apprenticeship opportunities
Students can search for Apprenticeship opportunities on Unifrog (Unifrog.co.uk) the national apprenticeship vacancy service (https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk), and on employers own websites. Higher and degree apprenticeship listings are also published here (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/higher-and-degree-apprenticeships) on a regular basis.
Apprenticeships are advertised throughout the year and some of the larger companies / more competitive opportunities will be advertised in the Autumn term for a start date of the following September. It is therefore extremely important to undertake a search for opportunities regularly throughout Year 11 / Year 13, starting at the beginning of the academic year.
We will publish details of any opportunities advertised directly to the school/college in the monthly newsletter available on the homepage.
Other Opportunities
There are many other opportunities open to school / college students throughout the year including University open days, summer schools and taster sessions. We also hear about scholarship opportunities from time to time. We will publish any such opportunities in our monthly newsletter available on the home page.