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Labour Market Information
Target Careers - Dos and Don’ts for using labour market information
Youth Employment UK - Labour Market Statistics 2019
UK Commission for Employment & Skills - Working Futures 2014 - 2024
South East Midlands LMI Poster - June 2020
The South East Midlands Enterprise Partnership produced a labour market report for school leavers in June 2020 which can be viewed here: https://www.semlep.com/school-labour-market-information/
Bedford Borough create a quarterly Labour Market report, please click here for the report Bedford LMI Quarterly Report – June 2020
Bedford Borough have also recently produced a spotlight on the local creative & digital labour market, please click here for the report Creative and Digital – June 2020
Labour Market Information (LMI) is information about the current economic and employment situation. It includes data on destinations, average starting salaries, current trends in employment sectors and recruitment patterns. There is an abundance of career and labour market information on our online careers platform Unifrog (link to the Unifrog page) and a variety of other sources given through the links on this page.
The portal makes data available and encourages open use by applications and websites that can bring the data to life for a range of audiences. This is an open data project, which is supporting the wider government agenda to encourage use and re-use of government data sets.