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Student Leadership
at Kimberley College
We have a thriving programme of Student Leadership opportunities at Kimberley College, students are able to apply for roles such as College Presidents, College and Subject Ambassadors and to be members of the College Council. We believe that a successful College community is built upon listening to student voice and by taking on a leadership role in college students are able to gain skills and experiences that will benefit them in the future, being a student leader gives you the opportunity to not only be heard, but to really make a difference.
College Presidents: Are democratically elected by the Kimberley College stakeholders. They serve as a principal Ambassadors for the college, representing the whole Trust community to the highest possible standard. They represent the views of the Kimberley College students and the wider community.
College Ambassadors: Promote and plan active engagement in activities both inside and outside the college. They promote the college at events such as open days, induction and interview evenings. Specific Roles: Equality Diversity & Inclusion Ambassadors, Community, Charity & fundraising Ambassadors, Well-being Ambassadors, Environmental Ambassadors, Careers and Next Steps Ambassadors.
College Council: Are responsible for representing the student body at Kimberley College. Canvassing opinion, communicating with the College Presidents, College leadership team and local governing body. The College Council will undertake research specifically relating to teaching and learning within the college.
Subject Ambassadors: Work closely with Subject Leaders. They are the student representative for the subject, they assist at subject and college events and are the key point of contact for communication between students and teachers in the subject and play an important role in supporting transition to Kimberley College.
College Presidents 2022/23:
Ashvin Kaur
Nicolas Terashvili-Rocha